

Written by a man who in his own words, thought Christianity was absurd and Catholicism in particular hypocritical and insane. Without rejecting, denying or arguing against his past, he has since become a Catholic Christian. Why would any sane man become baptised into what currently is a nest of predatory paedophiles?In this short book Filotto explains how what most people assume to be the Catholic Church has in fact been nothing of the sort for well over half a century. He also explains how he was an atheist and later a life-long agnostic until a road to Damascus moment, which seems to be a repeatable event for anyone who truly seeks, led him to Christianity in a most unexpected way.Filotto does not excuse his own past nor that of the Church. His own take-down of all the various denominations of Christianity, including Catholicism, is brutally honest, unflinching and yet entertaining and extremely thought provoking. This is unlike any book on theology or religion you’ve read before. If you ever thought Christianity is nonsensical and filled with con-men, liars and paedophiles, or generally wondered how anyone sane could become Christian, or if you are confused by the current state of the Catholic Church, or unsatisfied with any denomination of Christianity without really being able to put your finger on why exactly, or if you think atheism or agnosticism is the only logical way forward, this book is for you.




A Spiritual kick in the teeth that showed me the grace of Orthodox Christianity after a lifetime of darkness in the cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses.⎯ Ryan Bleau – Jehovah’s Witness Survivor




I would say Filotto’s Believe! appears to adopt a ‘take no prisoners’ approach to the consideration of Christian faith, but it does quite the opposite. It takes the existing prisoners of a broad range of fundamentally corrupting passions in the eternal hope of freeing them.


His enemy is our Enemy, and it is in Believe! that he charts his course both personal and universal, for the retaking of Christendom. The unabashed nature in which the author takes on a host of errors, heresies and misunderstandings of and within the Christian faith will drive away many readers. Those who remain will become champions of faith.


In Believe! Filotto exemplifies a unique and sorely-needed class of character that has as yet eluded the catalogues of role-playing games everywhere: the Theologian-Berserker.
⎯ Daniel Eness – Hugo Nominated Author of the
blog series “Safe Space as Rape Room”

In BELIEVE! Mr. Filotto wrote a short book for men who like him had always assumed Christianity, and Catholicism in particular were absurd, explaining how he went from that position to now being a hardcore Sedeprivationist (aka actual Catholic).


In this book, he details how the Catholic Church was infiltrated and almost destroyed by Freemasonic forces, presenting little known historical facts. More importantly, Mr. Filotto takes the reader through the details of the heresy of the Vatican II documents and refers to Catholic Canon Law to explain precisely why after the death of Pius XII, those who have usurped the Holy See while pretending to be Popes have been —as an undeniable matter of Canon Law— demonstrable heretics who are not even Catholic, nor should be considered as such, having publicly and notoriously defected from the faith. Such persons, as per the directives of the Magisterium of the Church embodied in the very clear Canon Laws he refers to in detail, are to be rejected as Catholics as are any of the edicts, pronouncements or any other action they take with reference to Catholicism.


Mr. Filotto takes the reader through not only the details of Canon Law, but also through the details of every objection that has ever been presented against Sedeprivationism, proving objectively and canonically that there are simply no valid objections to the Sedeprivationist position, which is to have maintained the Faith as directed by the Magisterium of the Church.


His previous short book BELIEVE! had many readers convert to Catholicism, return to Catholicism by cradle “Catholics” who had been fooled by the Novus Orco antichurch currently headed by Bergoglio and Ratzinger, and even inspire the beginnings of small Catholic communities. In this larger volume he takes the reader through all the objections, confusions, sophistry, lies and perversions of truth that the enemy attempts to use in order to obfuscate the Real Catholic Church and its growing resurgence, from the millions that have been fooled by the monstrous sleight of hand that the servants of the Prince of lies have perpetrated.


Written in the same direct, sometimes hilarious style as BELIEVE! this is no dusty tome of theology and it takes no prisoners.

To Catch a Fake Catholic is a book about arguments, honesty and the truth about the Catholic Church. It is a series of emails between a layman and a man who works under the title of a priest. These two argue about something very important: the case for Sedevacantism and the question of whether there is currently a valid Pope presiding over the The Church in the Seat of Saint Peter.

Yet, these emails become about more than just the question at hand. During their discussion, Tony began to suspect that ‘Canon’ Smith was not being as honest as he should be. Ultimately, their argument does not become an example of how to do proper public discourse or how to reach honest conclusions but it becomes an example of how to slither one’s way out of a discussion… and how to catch someone when they try to do it.